Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Rag Quilt

Just finished this quilt yesterday.

Added black buttons to center of raw edge applique flowers after I washed and dried the quilt to fluff up the seams. Now I just need to sew on the label and it will be truly done. I really have gotten to love this technique. I think I pretty much had it finished in 4 days including the cutting and quilting.  Besides being so quick and easy they make such a cozy quilt.  I make mine with flannel on the back and cotton on the front. I sandwich some kind of cotton batting (whatever I have on hand) in between the same size as the top and bottom block. The batting shows in the seam allowance and just makes it fuller.  Flower design is Jo Fifield's. Quilt design is adapted from a picture I saw somewhere.


  1. What a fun quilt! I've only made one rag quilt using denim and red prints for a grandson. Cutting all the snips was truly time consuming, but he loves it!

  2. I sew the quilt in sections and clip each section as I sew so I don't have to do it all at the end -- much easier on the hands. Also helps to have a really good pair of spring loaded scissors.
