Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Is it spring yet? Todavía está la primavera?

We named   
the fish Wanda. Both of these sculptures are by a local Missoula artist. I'd tell you his name but it is buried under the snow. We shoveled 5 more inches this morning.

El pez se llama Wanda. Las dos esculturas son de la misma artista de Missoula. No puedo decirles como se llama porque está de bajo de la nieve. Movamos 5 pulgadas más éste mañana.

1 comment:

  1. News from Iowa. Today, I'm thinking that snow would be better than the below zero wind chills that we are getting now. Our high today is 11 above but the wind chill will still be below zero But the good new is we will be having a heat wave this weekend, the high on sunday is suppose to be 41.
