Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Cactus Basket

Cactus Basket - Cesta de Cactus

Our "Big Snow" is melting fast. Ever since it snowed our temps have been above freezing. The worst part of all the snow was that it was terrible for cross country skiing because of the warm temps and rain. We do still have a bunch of stuff on the ground but dirty snow isn't nearly as nice as when it is fresh and new.

It has given me the opportunity to spend more time in my studio. Seems like since Christmas my active projects have been centered on things for my home. Right now I am pushing to complete my Mexican bathroom. It is all painted a bright gold and so far I have one Mexican rug in there. The cactus basket is for a large wall quilt. It will be 4 of these blocks. As you can see from the basting it is still a work in progress. Because the diamonds are all different sizes and the striped fabric is heavy (They are cut from Mexican napkins) paper piecing seemed the most accurate way for me to go.

 I still have to finish the wall quilt I started last January (see blog Jan. 13, 2011) and I have started a half square triangle quilt in blue and white for a shower curtain to look like Mexican white/blue tiles that are so prevalent everywhere. My 4th bathroom project is a wool proddy rug. Now to just get them all done!

I'm finding there is a satisfaction to making things for the home. Perhaps we are nesting since returning from Mexico and getting reacquainted with our house. Perhaps it is Toralf's retirement. Who knows but I am having a lot of fun with these "little" projects.


Nuestro "Nïeve Grande" derrete rapido. Desde nevó nuestras temperaturas han levado más arriba de 0C. El peor parte es no podemos esquiar. Está demasiado caliente. Todavía tenemos alguna nieve pero es sucio. No está tan bonita como nieve nueva.

Ni modo. Con éste situación tengo más tiempo en mi estudio. Parece desde la Navidad todo mi proyectos activos centran en mi hogar. Ahora trato de completar mi baño Méxicano. Lo pintaba color de oro brillante. Ahora solamente tengo un tepete Méxicano. La cesta de cactus es para un colchita para la pared. Habrá 4 cuadros en el fin. Ahorita tengo 2 terminados. Porque todos los diamantes son de temañõs diferentes y porque la tela de rayos es más pesado (telas es de servilletas de México) estoy cosiendo éstos con paper (paper-piecing).

Todavía tengo la colchita empece en enero de 2011 (mira blog de enero 13, 2011) y he empezado una colcha de triangulos de blanco y azul. La quiero estar como azulejos de México. Proyecto 4 es una tepete de lana.

Hay una satisfacción hacer cosas para el hogar. Quizas estamos conociendonos con nuestra casa otra vez despues de tiempo en México. Quizas es la jubilación de Toralf. Quien sabe pero se me disfruto mucho estos proyectos chiquitos.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

We Got Snow! Tenemos Nieve




I was afraid yesterday that we weren't going to get very snow. Forecast was for 4 to 8 or 10 inches. Toralf and I shoveled 4 times yesterday and 3 today. I haven't seen the final amount of accululation. It is still snowing.  I'm sure it was in the 12-15" range at the very least! It is reaching the point where banks are too high for me to toss it over. I have kind of enjoyed it but I think Toralf is less than thrilled. He keeps saying it is my fault --"Be careful what I wish for."

I did get out this afternoon to go rug hooking at a friend's but schools have been closed all day and there sure wasn't much traffic. Quilt shop closed at 1:00. School has already been cancelled for tomorrow and classes at the gym too, so no yoga.

It has been a nice opportunity to get caught up on some projects or at least spend more time with them. I did finish the potholders to give a friend who is dying a chunk of wool for me.

Yo tenía miedo ayer que no recibiéramos mucho nieve. Pronosticaba 4-8 o 10 pulgadas. Toralf y yo paleamos 4 veces ayer y 3 hoy. No se la cantidad total de nieve. Todavia nieva pero estoy seguro que hay 12-15" por lo menos. Yo la disfruita pero creyo que Toralf no. El dice que la culpa es miyo -- "Ten cuidado lo que espere."

Yo salgo de la casa éste tarde para ir a la casa a una amiga para enganchar tepetes con lana. Todas las excuelas eran cerrado hoy y no había mucho trafico. La tienda de tela cerró a las uno. Ya hay cancelaciónes para todas las escuelas mañana y mi clase de yoga tambien.

Ha estado una buena oportunidad para trabajar en proyectos con ocio o por lo menos pasa más tiempo con ellos. Terminó éstos para una amiga quien teñí algo lana para me.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Happy New Year

2012. First of all wrap up from Christmas -- crazy lady that I am I decided to make two quilts after returning home from California the beginning of November. Nobody in their right mind is that nuts but...the kids said they really loved the rag tree quilt I made them 2 Christmas's ago and could I make another rag quilt and I did have one started and stashed away somewhere. Then there was the matter of Toralf wanting a little lap quilt and I did have some Pokey Puppy fabric I had been saving for that. Mind you I still had little Oliver's quilt to finish at that time.

Hank and Oliver under their quilt

The Snowman Rag Quiilt

Pokey Puppy II -- Grandpa's Quilt

Everything except pupppy binding was done for Christmas! and it got done for New Year.



2012. Primero noticias de Navidad -- loca que yo estoy decidia hacer 2 colchas despues de
regresar de California el inicio de noviembre. Nadie está tan loca pero los jovenes dicieron que se la encanta la colcha del arbol que los daba hace 2 Navidades y quieren otra. En realidad yo tenía una nueva en progresso. Tambien Toralf quiería una colchita y todavía yo tenía tela para esa. Recuerdas que tambien todavía tenía que terminar la colcha de Oliver!

Terminaba todo con excepción del "binding" en la colchita de Toralf. Terminaba eso para la semana pasada.